Enjoy Conveniently: BC Allows Cannabis Delivery

New BC regulations now allow cannabis licensed shops to deliver products right to customers’ homes.

Before the pandemic, cannabis delivery from retailers to in-home consumers didn’t exist in Canada. But COVID struck, and rules changed. Several provinces temporarily lifted the ban – and it was worth it! The experiment has shown that cannabis delivery is not only safe but economically beneficial.

For cannabis retailers, it means more opportunities to grow: delivery is always a great chance to widen customers’ circle. Now more people are likely to choose legal cannabis shops because of this convenience. 

For clients, it means a new easy way to enjoy cannabis and support the local legal industry. Also, they can be sure the product they consume is safe: to get a license, a cannabis retailer has to undergo a governmental security screening process.  

If you are a proud owner of a cannabis store, it might be time to benefit from the new regulations. We at Hope Media House have been creating online stores, managing deliveries and doing digital marketing for nearly a decade. We can help you build the online store, process orders and ensure the deliveries are made quickly and legally. All you have to do is have one of your employees deliver the product to customers’ homes. 

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