Urban Retreat


Urban Retreat


Halifax, NS


Health and Wellness


Website Optimization





Urban Retreat Massage Therapy specialists know how to target the right muscles in the body for full relief. We at Hope Media House know how to pinpoint the areas in online presence that need enhancement.

Urban Retreat displayed very high in Google search results for general massages, especially in the Halifax area. However, when looking for specific services they provide, Urban Retreat was far down on the page. 

Since Urban Retreat specializes in many types of massage therapy, we wanted to help them be more visible to people searching for those. Additionally, we wanted Urban Retreat’s massage therapists to be able to showcase their specialty services online. 

To achieve that, we have created a page for each Urban Retreat service, matching their existing design. On every page, we showcased the benefits of a service, highlighted important billing information and introduced massage specialists offering a treatment. 

We enhanced the content with relevant, SEO-friendly keywords and added them to page tags, titles and meta descriptions.

Additionally, we included buttons for a seamless booking experience and added all the pages to the main menu for easy navigation.

Let's optimize your website

If you want to enhance your website, let us know! Your services deserve to be highlighted.

Send us a note at [email protected]
